About Me
I am a recent Physics PhD making a change of career into Machine Learning
and Artificial Intelligence. I have a strong quantitative background, with
specific expertise in high performance computing, numerical methods and data
- Ph.D. Physics (University of Colorado, Boulder, 2017): “Perturbative and Ab-initio calculations of the electrical susceptibilities of atoms”
- M.S. Physics (University of Colorado, Boulder, 2013).
- B.S. Physics (University of Washington, 2010).
Professional Experience:
2011 - 2017: Research Assistant in JILA at CU Boulder
- Programming: Developed a non-trivial code to solve the time dependent
Schr"odinger equation (TDSE) in a field-free energy basis. The code was
developed using PETSc and Boost MPI in C++14, with an approximate size of
10kloc. https://github.com/spott/ebss
- Data Analysis: Data analysis package for the above TDSE solver output.
Developed using pandas, numpy, scipy and matplotlib. Package available at
2015: Data Science Intern for Cognilytics at Centurylink
- Data Science: Preliminary analysis of anomalous network traffic for
network security applications using raw packet captures with support vector
machines, recurrent neural nets and random forests.
2010 - 2017: Teaching Assistant
- Communication: Taught a wide variety of introductory physics classes.
Demonstrated a strong ability to take complex mathematical concepts and
explain them intuitively.
- Python Data analysis using NumPy, SciPy, pandas, matplotlib.
- Skilled in Python and C++14
Relevant repositories
- webpage-classifier - A project
to classify webpages by topic. Uses reddit posts as a labeled dataset.
Utilizes Docker, SQL, and async technologies in python. Latent Dirichlet
Analysis via gensim is used to perform
- petsc-cpp - A C++ wrapper around the
Sparse Linear Algebra Library PETSc.
- ebss - A solver for the time dependent
Schrodinger equation of an atom interacting with a strong laser field using
the field-free energy basis. This is developed using PETSc and Boost MPI in
C++14. It leverages MPI in order to efficiently run on large supercomputers.
- da_lib - A set of tools for
analysis of data from the above EBSS.
- A. Spott, A. Jaron-Becker, and A. Becker: Ab initio and perturbative calculations of the electric susceptibility of atomic hydrogen
- A. Spott, A. Becker, and A. Jaron-Becker: Transition from perturbative to nonperturbative interaction in low-order-harmonic generation
- A. Spott, A. Jaron-Becker, and A. Becker: Time-dependent susceptibility of helium atom in intense laser pulses} (in review.)